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luni, 13 august 2012

Colourful jewelry giveaway - Thboxes (international)

Hello, ladies!

 De fiecare data cand am publicat articole care cuprindeau fotografii cu bijuteriile mele, am primit de la voi un feedback foarte bun, asa ca m-am gandit ca n-ar fi rau sa va ofer posibilitatea de a castiga o bijuterie statement. Impreuna cu cei de la Thboxes dau startul unui nou giveaway, de data aceasta international.

Veti putea alege o bijuterie de pe site: o pereche de cercei, un colier, o bratara (orice, in afara de ceasuri) in valoare de maxim 8 dolari. Iar eu am aruncat un ochi pe thboxes.com si am ales cateva sugestii, just for you!

1. Here; 2. Here; 3. Here

Vor exista mai multi castigatori, mai exact 10% din persoanele care se inscriu la acest giveaway. In consecinta, daca vor exista 100 de inscrieri, vom avea 10 castigatori. And so on.

Sa trecem la reguli. Va rog:

1. Sa dati Like paginii de Facebook ThBoxes si add pe profilul lor de FB
2. Sa va faceti cont pe  thboxes.com, dureaza 2 minute
3. Sa dati share acestei postari pe wall-ul vostru si sa imi lasati un link care sa dovedeasca acest lucru sau sa realizati o postare pe blogul propriu, in care sa prezentati bijuteria aleasa (fotografie si link) si sa integrati un link catre acest articol
4. Includeti in comentariu un link al bijuteriei alese (cu o valoare sub 8 dolari) - sunt foarte curioasa ce alegeti!
5. Fiti follower public prin Google Friend Connect
6. Dati Like paginii de Facebook a blogului

Ce trebuie sa contina comentariul vostru:

Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB
Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site
Link cu share-ul pe FB sau cu postarea pe blog
Link cu bijuteria aleasa
Nickname-ul de pe GFC
Giveaway-ul ia sfarsit pe 11 septembrie. Voi alege castigatorii cu Random.org si le voi trimite un mail cu instructiunile privind modul de plasare a comenzii.

Va astept in numar cat mai mare. Nu uitati, cu cat exista mai multe inscrieri, cu atat creste si numarul castigatorilor.

EN: Everytime i published an article containing images of my jewelry, I got really good feedback from you. So now I decided it would be a good idea for you to have the chance to win a piece of statement jewelry, don't you think? I put this giveaway together, along with the kind people at ThBoxes. It is international, so feel free to enter no matter where you live.

You can choose any piece of jewelry from the site: a pair of earrings, a necklace, a bracelet (anything, besides watches). It has to be priced under 8 dollars. I browsed the site and picked up some suggestions, just for you!

1. Here; 2. Here; 3. Here; 4. Here; 5. Here; 6. Here

There will be multiple winners, 10% of the people who enter. So, if 100 of you enter, 10 of you will win.

Now let's get started, here are the rules. Please:

1. Like the ThBoxes Facebook page and add Thboxes as your FB friend, here
2. Register on the thboxes.com website, it only takes a minute or two
3. Share this post on your FB wall or write an article on your blog about the piece of jewelry you would like to win (photo and link). Don't forget to include a link of this post.
4. Paste the link of the chosen jewelry in the comment, I'm really curious about your option!
5. Be a public follower on Google Friend Connect
6. Like my FB page

Your comment should look like this:

Your FB name
The email adress you used to register on thboxes.com
The link for the FB share or the blog post
The link of the jewelry you want to win
The GFC nickname

The giveaway ends on Tuesday, September 11. The winners will be chosen using Random.org and will receive and email from me (explaining the order procedure).

You are officialy invited. And tell your friends, because the number of winners depends on the number of entries.

A huge 'Thanks!' to ThBoxes for contacting me.



46 de comentarii:

  1. FB si GFC: Manases Andrea
    Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/manases.andrea/posts/186473368152222


  2. FB: Madalina Buscu
    Mail: mitrutz_maddy_2007@yahoo.com
    Produsul preferat: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Ladies-18K-Gold-Plated-GP-Heart-Crystal-Link-Wrist-Bangle-Watch-A385K_id_48741.html
    GFC: maddy

    1. Buna, te rog sa alegi alt produs, scrie in postare ca poti opta pentru orice bijuterie sub 8 dolari, in afara de ceasuri.

    2. Mii de scuze: acesta este produsul preferat- http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Tibet-Silver-Baltic-Huge-Multicolor-Amber-Gem-Pendant-Earring-Necklace-Set-A999K_id_50112.html

  3. FB:Mihaela druga
    bijuterie dorita:http://thboxes.com/itemView/Cute-Vintage-Retro-Copper-Tennis-Racket-Badminton-Design-Necklace-Pendant-B519K_id_48553.html

  4. fb: andra katerina
    email: bbyqdoll@gmail.com
    bijuterie dorita: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Diamante-Vintage-Frog-Awesome-Tibet-Silver-Cocktail-Adjustable-Ring-AW1270_id_36229.html
    share: http://www.facebook.com/KatyaMikhailov/posts/340068992744014
    gfc: bbydoll

  5. FB : Adina-Loredana Rogin

    E'mail : adynutza_lory@yahoo.com

    Link Share FB : https://www.facebook.com/adinaloredana.rogin/posts/438018486241357

    Link bijuterie : http://thboxes.com/itemView/Multicolor-Diamante-Vintage-Retro-Copper-Adjustable-Party-Cocktail-Ring-Aw2652_id_45404.html

    GFC : Adina

  6. FB Diamond Dust
    Adresa de email lili_adder[at]yahoo.com
    share https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=146344248837603&id=232806703402188
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa http://thboxes.com/itemView/Vintage-Pendant-Carved-Link-Floral-Heart-Retro-Copper-Bangle-Bracelet-B1655K_id_50957.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC LiLi

  7. gfc kaiyo aino
    fb kaiyo aino
    mail dumitru9catalina@yahoo.com
    share http://www.facebook.com/kaiyo.aino.9/posts/252478534871320
    nume cont DUMITRU CATALINA
    bijuteria http://thboxes.com/itemView/Free-Ship-Fancy-Tibet-Silver-Diamante-Vintage-Cocktail-Adjustable-Ring-AW1316_id_36275.html

  8. fb:tatiana sorina
    gfc:tatiana sorina
    link produs preferat:http://thboxes.com/Watch_c283
    multumesc :*

    1. Buna, scrie in vreo 3 locuri ca nu poti alege ceasuri de pe site. Te rog selecteaza oricare alta bijuterie, sub 8 dolari.

  9. gfc tynayyy@ymail.com
    fb like si add axela stanciu
    share concurs https://www.facebook.com/axelynostanciu/posts/480406031970710
    link produs preferat http://thboxes.com/itemView/Women-s-Wide-Brim-Summer-Beach-Sun-Hat-Straw-Fashion-adumbral-Hat-8-Colors-M01Z_id_47310.html
    mail inscris ony_stanciu@yahoo.com
    acelasi mail pt contact

  10. in caz ca n-am voie palarioara, aleg : http://www.thboxes.com/Brecelet-Set_i349

  11. FB: Ionescu Ana-Claudia
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site: anyt_dodo@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: https://www.facebook.com/ionescu.anaclaudia/posts/452982444742423
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Noble-Gold-Plated-GP-Enamel-Multi-Flower-Clear-Diamante-Stud-Earrings-B1516K_id_50813.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC: anyt_dodo

    email raduadina87@gmail.com
    bijuteria preferata:http://thboxes.com/itemView/Black-Multi-Layer-Cream-Lucite-Resin-Wide-Bowknot-Cuff-Bangle-Bracelet-A622K_id_49276.html
    share: https://www.facebook.com/radu.adina.3/posts/343680175717450
    gfc adina radu

  13. Fb Mon Monica
    mail night_monik789@yahoo.com
    link produs http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Peacock-Rhinestone-Tibet-Silver-Vintage-Carved-Adjustable-Cocktail-Ring-ax6178_id_41614.html

    share fb http://www.facebook.com/mon.monica.7/posts/499079573453040

    gfc Bla Blu

  14. GFC : Christina
    facebook : Cris Tina
    share : http://www.facebook.com/cris.tina.12720100/posts/414853835237760
    link produs : http://thboxes.com/itemView/Women-s-Wide-Brim-Summer-Beach-Sun-Hat-Straw-Fashion-adumbral-Hat-8-Colors-M01Z_id_47310.html

    1. Buna, alege te rog o bijuterie, palaria nu se incadreaza in aceasta categorie.

  15. GFC: Alina Toader
    Facebook: Alina Toader
    Link bijuterie: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Gold-Plated-GP-Multicolor-Rhombus-Cat-Eye-Gem-Rhinestone-Stud-Earrings-B1758K_id_51186.html
    Link Share: https://www.facebook.com/alina.toader/posts/212385995556470

  16. GFC Bianca roxana
    fb bianca roxana anitei
    share concurs https://www.facebook.com/bianca.roxana/posts/318741371554594
    PRODUS PREFERAT: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Huge-Retro-Copper-Hollow-Carved-Collar-Floral-Design-Pendant-Necklace-B1224K_id_49957.html
    WOW, nu potsa cred ce preturi mici au!Super!
    e-mail biarox84@yahoo.it

  17. gfc: IngerFaraHarpa
    fb: Mihaela Preda
    e-mail: inger_fara_harpa@yahoo.com
    produs preferat: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Multicolor-Gemstone-Adjustable-Cocktail-Ring-ij1850_id_18628.html
    share: https://www.facebook.com/mihpre/posts/319297254833606

  18. Le-am dat cerere de prietenie acum 12 ore si nu mi-au dat accept:| ce fac? pot sa ma abonez doar?

  19. veronica picioroaga16 august 2012 la 23:23

    gfc: veronica
    fb: veronica picioroaga
    email: veronicapicioroaga@yahoo.com
    produs ales: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Genuine-Leather-Gold-Plated-Chain-Orange-Summer-Candy-Bangle-Bracelet-B1102K_id_49482.html

  20. FB:Adina-Mirabela Gavriloi
    Mail cont:Gavriloiadina@yahoo.com
    Link share:https://www.facebook.com/adinamirabela.gavriloi/posts/148838638587271
    Bijuteria preferata:http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/2012-Summer-Black-Enamel-18K-Gold-Plated-GP-Slim-Stretch-Bangle-Bracelet-A1417K_id_51110.html

  21. Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB : Andreea Bianca Şerban
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site : unforgettable.dreams95@yahoo.com.
    Link cu share-ul pe FB sau cu postarea pe blog : http://www.facebook.com/andreea.b.serban/posts/454344157938439
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa : http://thboxes.com/itemView/Oval-Shape-Vintage-Retro-Copper-Print-Audrey-Hepburn-Pendant-Necklace-Aw2389_id_45155.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC :Andreea

  22. Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB: Cismaru Camelia
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site: lady_dyralu@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: http://www.facebook.com/camelia.cismaru.5/posts/273660349409656
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://thboxes.com/itemView/VTG-Rare-Vivid-Big-Sexy-Fox-White-Gold-GP-Plated-Stretch-Bangle-Bracelet-A1390K_id_51058.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC: Dennysse

  23. gfc mihamiki
    fb mihaela ghelase
    e-mail miha1984ingerash@yahoo.com
    produs ales http://thboxes.com/itemView/Love-Heart-VTG-Tibet-Silver-Huge-Smoky-Antique-Design-Necklace-Pendant-A1551K_id_51452.html
    share http://www.facebook.com/mihaela.ghelase.1/posts/267478630028812

  24. GFC:Corina
    FB:Corina Pantiru
    E-mail-ul cu care mi-am facut cont pe site:corinna_pantiru@yahoo.com
    Produs preferat:http://thboxes.com/itemView/Tibet-Silver-Vintage-Enamel-Gemstone-Floral-Flossy-Purple-Bangle-Bracelet-A530K_id_50296.html

  25. GFC:jane(janeta_20072001)
    FB:janeta janet
    E-mail pentru cont:janeta_20072001@yahoo.com
    Produs preferat:http://thboxes.com/itemView/Crystal-Huge-Enamel-Retro-18K-Gold-Plate-GP-Leaf-Bangle-Bracelet-A801K_id_50719.html

  26. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  27. GFC:Amira
    FB:Amira Tudorie
    Produs preferat: http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/CZ-Gemstone-Wide-Gallant-Metallic-Leather-Shine-Crystal-Bangle-Bracelet-B916K_id_49767.html

  28. GFC:Minnie Angel
    FB:Iulia Fratieanu
    Share: http://www.facebook.com/iulia.fratieanu/posts/187499681381854
    E-mail: giuly_15_93@yahoo.com
    Bijuterie preferata: http://www.facebook.com/iulia.fratieanu/posts/133377076806085

  29. GFC: Cornelia Lia
    FB: Cornelia Lia
    Share: http://www.facebook.com/cornelia.toma.129/posts/432412726797382
    E-mail: tomaclaus@yahoo.com
    Bijuterie preferata:

  30. Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB: Oana Catalina
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site: oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: https://www.facebook.com/kittyqtza/posts/464248010262182
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://thboxes.com/itemView/Rare-Cucurbit-Vintage-Tibet-Silver-CZ-Gemstone-Rhinestone-Dangle-Earrings-B222K_id_48915.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC: Oana

  31. Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB Buda Dana
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site budadana@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB http://www.facebook.com/budadana/posts/481150625231134
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/VTG-Silver-Huge-Baltic-Multi-Flower-Nature-Amber-Gem-Necklace-Pendant-A1572K_id_51474.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC budadana

    multumim :) sper ca am ales bine, adica acel colier e redus la 7,92 ( de la 8,9 ) e ok?

  32. Your FB name
    /mihaela pojogu
    The email adress you used to register on thboxes.com
    /mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
    The link for the FB share
    The link of the jewelry you want to win
    / http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Lucite-Wood-Gem-CZ-Copper-Round-Bohemia-Hip-Hop-Vintage-Necklace-Pendant-A1597K_id_51504.html
    The GFC nickname

  33. fb-Monika Erzsebet
    gfc-Medvei Monika

  34. Numele pe FB: Luiza Olteanu
    Adresa de email: oluiza89@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: http://www.facebook.com/luiza.olteanu.50/posts/470812819610177
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Pearl-Card-Vintage-Retro-Copper-Necklace-Pendant-Ax5309_id_26857.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC: Luiza O

  35. Numele FB: Lary Larisa
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site: larisa.motora@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: http://www.facebook.com/lary.larisa.562/posts/384220851650992
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Punk-Pattern-Long-Cycle-Rivet-Black-Leather-Multilayer-Bangle-Bracelet-B2314K_id_52336.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC: Larisa

  36. Numele vostru, asa cum apare pe FB Hermi Blue
    Adresa de email folosita pentru a va face cont pe site cami_lu2004@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB sau cu postarea pe blog http://www.facebook.com/hermiblue/posts/148549398618183
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Wide-Retro-Tibet-Silver-Pearl-Multi-Heart-Pendant-Link-Bangle-Bracelet-A673K_id_50699.html
    Nickname-ul de pe GFC Hermina

  37. Nume FB: Blogul cu Hainutze
    Adresa de email:blogulcuhainutze@yahoo.com
    Link cu share-ul pe FB: http://www.facebook.com/blogulcuhainutze/posts/341792082580540
    Link cu bijuteria aleasa:http://thboxes.com/itemView/Vintage-Lucite-Wood-Copper-Semi-Circle-Bohemia-Hip-Hop-Necklace-Pendant-A1582K_id_51485.html
    GFC: Cami87

  38. Buna si eu ma inscriu
    Your FB name Cristina Gondos
    The email adress you used to register on thboxes.com: cristina.gondos@yahoo.com
    The link for the FB share or the blog post https://www.facebook.com/cristina.gondos.1?ref=tn_tnmn#!/cristina.gondos.1/posts/472299389469532
    The link of the jewelry you want to win http://www.thboxes.com/itemView/Ladies-18K-Gold-Plated-GP-Crystal-Floral-Link-Wrist-Bangle-Watch-A389K_id_48745.html
    The GFC nickname Cristina
    Merci pentru concurs. Pupici

  39. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
